If You Want To Find The Secrets Of The Universe, Think In Terms Of ENERGY, FREQUENCY AND VIBRATION.


How to get started ? A simple 3 Step process !


    Start your healing journey and request a free consultation, you can expect us to reach out to you within 24-48 hours. At that time, we will discuss your reasons for seeking out healing support and answer any questions you may have to help determine if this is a good fit for you. There is no obligation or pressure.


    After the consultation you can decide to move a step forward and try the powers of Pranic Healing. In this case initial paperwork will be sent to you via email. This will include intake questionnaires, consent forms, a copy of our policies and payment information. You can fill out everything digital (or print it out if you prefer) and commit in a way that fits best for you. Healing sessions will begin, once this information is returned back to us.


    3 Step HEALING Process:

    Pranic Healing is a three step process that substantially accelerates the body’s innate ability to heal at all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.

    1 - Checking - Scanning for energy abnormalities

    2 - Cleansing - Removing energy abnormalities: used to remove dirty or diseased energy in the body and to eradicate blockages in the energy channels

    3 - Replenishing and revitalizing with life force- Energizing: the transference of fresh ‘prana’ or life energy to the body and is applied once the cleansing process is completed. To give an example, when we cut our fingers or bruise our legs, our body automatically takes the necessary steps to prevent blood loss and repair the damaged tissues. Our bodies are constantly exposed to a variety of toxins, chemicals and pollutants from the environments we live in but our ‘in-built’ defense system fights of all these germs and protects us. When we are healthy and happy, we feel all charged up and are full of energy. When we are sick or upset, we feel down or drained out. In other words, a healthy body has an abundance of prana while a sick or dis-eased body is low on prana. The healing process of an individual is accelerated by increasing the prana life force in them which is readily available from the sun, air and earth.

    Sessions last 60-75 minutes and typically take place one to three times a week. As a response to COVID-19, most of our services are provided with Pranic Distant Healing. Find more information below.



    The “IN PERSON” healing session takes place in our dedicated therapy room, The treatment is carried out with the patient sitting or lying, fully clothed and in a quiet, peaceful environment. Pranic Healing is a non-touch therapy. There is no equipment involved. Occasionally the healer may chose to use a crystal during the treatment.


    In Pranic Cystal Healing crystals are used as instruments to focus the energy of crystals on the affected part of the body or the chakras in the human body.


    Pranic distant healing is based on interconnectedness and directability.

    The healer and the client are interconnected because their energy bodies are part of the earth’s etheric body. Therefore, the Pranic Healer can heal the client at a distance because their energy bodies are interconnected.

    Pranic Energy can be projected where thought and intention is focused. When the healer focuses intention on the client, diseased energy can be removed and Pranic energy can be projected at the client. Therefore Pranic Distant Healing is as effective and powerful as “IN PERSON” Pranic Healing.

    As a response to COVID-19, most of our services are provided with Pranic Distant Healing.